We all run into tough times periodically. If you've had a hard time establishing or maintaining good credit and want another chance to build a good credit rating, our Credit builder Loan could be your answer. We will loan you up to $2,000. The funds from your loan will be placed into an interest-bearing savings account in your name and used as collateral for the loan. As you pay the monthly payments and the balance of the loan decreases, the amount you have available in the secured account will become available for you to use. Save the money and at the end of your loan term, you'll have a nice little nest egg waiting for you.
As you make your payments on time, we'll report your timely payments to the Credit Bureaus, helping you establish or re-establish a good credit rating. What's best? There's no income verification, no co-signer required, and no need for established credit.
Call Us Today at 317-636-5581 to learn more.
726 Massachusetts Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46204